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Complaint, warranty period

Warranty order contains the informations for customer during applying complaint of goods bought in the e-shop Ledy.cz

I. Common conditions of complaint

Buyer is obligated recieved goods check and with no reasonable delay inform a seller about ascertained deffect.

Buyer can legitimate complaint give by one of following chance:

  • Via e-mail on address of Fortissimo Prague company keeping e-shop Ledy.cz (Contacts)
  • By post on address of keeper
  • Or to solve in our office

1. Buyer is obligated to bring out:

  • Number of order (is sent with confirmation e-mail)
  • To describe as much as possible the defect and its displays
  • To document a paper about property of that goods (invoice or document of payment)

2. Obligation of seller:

The seller will decide about complaint at the latest till 3 days and will let the buyer know about it by e-mail, if they don´t agreed on another way. The complaint including the defect will be handled without undue delay, at the latest till one month from excercising complaint, if the seller with not agree on with buyer another time.


1. Common statements

This warranty order is processed according to Civil code and it relate on goods which complaint was excercised in warranty period.
To every goods is enclosed invoice and delivery form, which can also be like certificate of warranty. Takeover the goods and agree with conditions of quarantee the customer confirm by sign the delivery form. If the goods is not overtaken personally, the moment of overtaken means the overtaking of the delivery service.

If the overtaker finds out any difference between delivery form and real delivered gooods (in kind or in number) or he doesn´t recieved well filled in delivery form, he is obligated to send immediatelly (at the latest till 72 hours) a written message to address of seller, on his name. Id he doesn´t do it, he is in risk of that later complaint will be not admitted.

2. Conditions of quarantee

a) The lenght of warranty period is given by law, 12 moths for used goods (CC, § 626, sub. 3). This period begins by the day of exposition of invoice and it elongates with the period of warranty repair. In case of change the goods the warranty period is not elongating. Buyer will get new invoice. Next complaint will be on base of this new invoice.

b) Claim for excercise the quarantee disvolve in case of:

- damage by transportation (this damage has to be solved with transportation company)

- unauthorized usinge, which is in clash with purpose of the goods.

- goods has been damage by element

- goods has been damage by oversized loading

3. Claim conditions

Complaint are solved only in our office.

4. Final regulation

All rights and duties are according to all valid legal regulations.

III. Security about personal datas

Informations about buyers are stored according to valid legal acts of Czech republic, especially act about security about personal data no. 101/2000 C. in valid wording.
All datas abtained from customers are used only for internal usageof company and we are not distributing them to third part. Exception means dats given to delivery service., which are distibuted in minimum level- just fot deliveration possibility.

Without special agreement of customers the company Fortissimo Prague loads with data only and in range, which is allowed by act about security about personal datas, above all § 5 sub. 2, b) and § 5 sub. 6. Personal datas of customers are fully protected against abuse. Data are saved on deposited servers of our company, which are not participating with any third parts.


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